I must confess.
I'm addicted to the English/American books (I was
born in Italy). Why? Because I cannot stop to read them! Simple ... it seems
more effective/efficacious, more attractive, it seems more "right" especially in regency
age, which I love so much. Have you read Kleypas? Well, in English is better,
it's more...WONDERFUL! I don't another level, another story, because it would
be unfair, but it's like eating pizza in London, I hope you understand ...
Comparisons aside, my reading recently led me - last year - to some
passionate reading ... in the beautiful world of ....steampunk
(yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!) and I find a new love! I LOOOOVE those
books; I find them very "challenging" , fun and (also) pure escape-books. An interesting read was the
saga of Gail Carriger called "The Parasol Protectorate",
which recently has also been translated in Italy, by Dalai Editore and
consisting of 5 volumes (final number as announced by the author):
1. SOULLESS: Without a morsel of exaggeration,
its publisher describes this debut novel as "a comedy of manners set in
Victorian London full of werewolves, vampires, dirigibles, and
tea-drinking." At the center of Soulless's "parasol
protectorate" is Miss Alexia Tarabotti, a young woman who lacks not only a
suitor but also a soul. And those are not her only problems: When she
accidentally kills a vampire, it begins a series of events that she must set
out to resolve without the help of any proper authorities. A charming mass
market original. But Alexia is armed with her trusty parasol, the latest
fashions, and an arsenal of biting civility. Even when her investigations take
her to Scotland, the backwater of ugly waistcoats, she is prepared: upending
werewolf pack dynamics as only the soulless can. She might even find time to
track down her wayward husband, if she feels like it.
Tarabotti, the Lady Woolsey, awakens in the wee hours of the mid-afternoon to
find her husband, who should be decently asleep like any normal werewolf,
yelling at the top of his lungs. Then he disappears - leaving her to deal with
a regiment of supernatural soldiers encamped on her doorstep, a plethora of
exorcised ghosts, and an angry Queen Victoria.
3. BLAMELESS: Quitting her husband's house and moving back in with her horrible family, Lady Maccon becomes the scandal of the London season. Queen Victoria dismisses her from the Shadow Council, and the only person who can explain anything, Lord Akeldama, unexpectedly leaves town. To top it all off, Alexia is attacked by homicidal mechanical ladybugs, indicating, as only ladybugs can, the fact that all of London's vampires are now very much interested in seeing Alexia quite thoroughly dead. While Lord Maccon elects to get progressively more inebriated and Professor Lyall desperately tries to hold the Woolsey werewolf pack together, Alexia flees England for Italy in search of the mysterious Templars. Only they know enough about the preternatural to explain her increasingly inconvenient condition, but they may be worse than the vampires and they're armed with pesto.
4. HEARTLESS: Lady Alexia Maccon, soulless, is at it again, only this time the trouble is not her fault. When a mad ghost threatens the queen, Alexia is on the case, following a trail that leads her deep into her husband's past. Top that off with a sister who has joined the suffragette movement (shocking!), Madame Lefoux's latest mechanical invention, and a plague of zombie porcupines and Alexia barely has time to remember she happens to be eight months pregnant.Will Alexia manage to determine who is trying to kill Queen Victoria before it is too late? Is it the vampires again or is there a traitor lurking about in wolf's clothing? And what, exactly, has taken up residence in Lord Akeldama's second best closet?
5. TIMELESS: Alexia Tarabotti, Lady Maccon, has settled into domestic bliss. Of course, being Alexia, such bliss involves integrating werewolves into London High society, living in a vampire's second best closet, and coping with a precocious toddler who is prone to turning supernatural willy-nilly. Even Ivy Tunstell's acting troupe's latest play, disastrous to say the least, cannot put a damper on Alexia's enjoyment of her new London lifestyle. Until, that is, she receives a summons from Alexandria that cannot be ignored. With husband, child, and Tunstells in tow, Alexia boards a steamer to cross the Mediterranean. But Egypt may hold more mysteries than even the indomitable Lady Maccon can handle. What does the vampire Queen of the Alexandria Hive really want from her? Why is the God-Breaker Plague suddenly expanding? And how has Ivy Tunstell suddenly become the most popular actress in all the British Empire?
Currently, I'm Preparing to read the fourth book,
I'll review this series in general. Here, in Italy, the "The Parasol
Protectorate" is not really exploded, yet, but this author in American
scenery, the belong to steampunk as Meyer belongs to
vampires.... ok ok not whistle, I must explain myself! Meyer hasn't invent
anything new, but her best merit was to introduce some innovative elements;
infact, vampires and co. were already active (but less intriguing) in the
literary scene - especially American - before our legendary author was born!
The merits of Meyer are to made a "mash up" of existing creatures and
elements giving them a captivating read; Meyer has been able to capture a
growing audience. The better success of Meyer, in Europe - expecially in Italy
- is the opportunity, for all the "underwood" fantasy literature, see
the light = the PUBLICATION!
So did the Carriger with steampunk, didn't invent anything new, but she put together a new setting - distinctly "geeks" - to a strange female heroine: bubbly, bold, spinster, nosy, sometimes loquacious tendencies, lover of cakes (and mysteries), with special powers and makes our story a little jewel of publishing fiction. Do not believe me? Look here: I still have not convinced? Maybe just because I have not even talked about HIM! If you really cannot live, breath and sleep without alpha hero incarnate, well ! You're lucky because these books have a male character really interesting and absolutely hilarious!You know...Think about a werewolf, not just any but their leader, who arrived in London, certainly, to take care of business, but in search of a wife "fit" more than anything else docile and submissive, but who fall in love with our heroine, but for which he is very clumsy and awkward ... a promise of fun! I still have not convinced? Well, then it's because I have not even talked about the adventures in which our heroes are involved and through which they approach more and more ... (but do not expect hot hot hot scenes!) There are phenomenal well-researched, well-constructed, intriguing and truly hilarious, too! Trust me!
Do I tickled your fancy? Well because definitely worth it! It 's fresh air. Basically we move into the Victorian mores, customs and rules we know and where are introduced - oh blessed imagination! - futuristic elements (curious? Go to the link at the bottom of the page on the clothes and accessories you'll miss out! Insured!). There are blimp, very, very special weapons, flying machines without horses with teapots and facilities, etc. ... I'm excited only to speak, it's a setting in which the reader finds easy to blend, the dialogues are crisp, the supporting actors are better than the other one, the French girl, the butlers wacky, wonderfully crude and clumsy to werewolves, not to mention the Alexia's bestfiend-vampire which is an old fashioned gay-vampire! You should try to read at least the first that if we can be easily read by itself. Beware at second and third books, they cannot be read separately, they are too related !Good? Not really had not understood?? But you're still reading?? Hurry to buy it !!!!!
So did the Carriger with steampunk, didn't invent anything new, but she put together a new setting - distinctly "geeks" - to a strange female heroine: bubbly, bold, spinster, nosy, sometimes loquacious tendencies, lover of cakes (and mysteries), with special powers and makes our story a little jewel of publishing fiction. Do not believe me? Look here: I still have not convinced? Maybe just because I have not even talked about HIM! If you really cannot live, breath and sleep without alpha hero incarnate, well ! You're lucky because these books have a male character really interesting and absolutely hilarious!You know...Think about a werewolf, not just any but their leader, who arrived in London, certainly, to take care of business, but in search of a wife "fit" more than anything else docile and submissive, but who fall in love with our heroine, but for which he is very clumsy and awkward ... a promise of fun! I still have not convinced? Well, then it's because I have not even talked about the adventures in which our heroes are involved and through which they approach more and more ... (but do not expect hot hot hot scenes!) There are phenomenal well-researched, well-constructed, intriguing and truly hilarious, too! Trust me!
Do I tickled your fancy? Well because definitely worth it! It 's fresh air. Basically we move into the Victorian mores, customs and rules we know and where are introduced - oh blessed imagination! - futuristic elements (curious? Go to the link at the bottom of the page on the clothes and accessories you'll miss out! Insured!). There are blimp, very, very special weapons, flying machines without horses with teapots and facilities, etc. ... I'm excited only to speak, it's a setting in which the reader finds easy to blend, the dialogues are crisp, the supporting actors are better than the other one, the French girl, the butlers wacky, wonderfully crude and clumsy to werewolves, not to mention the Alexia's bestfiend-vampire which is an old fashioned gay-vampire! You should try to read at least the first that if we can be easily read by itself. Beware at second and third books, they cannot be read separately, they are too related !Good? Not really had not understood?? But you're still reading?? Hurry to buy it !!!!!
Lo confesso, sono dipendente dai libri in lingua inglese.
Perché? Perché non riesco a smettere! Semplice … mi sembra più efficace, più
accattivante, mi sembra più “giusto” specialmente per quanto riguarda i regency
che tanto adoro. Avete letto la Kleypas? Bhè in inglese è MERAVIGLIOSA!!
Non dico un’altra storia perché sarebbe ingiusto, ma è come mangiare la pizza a
Londra, non so se mi spiego … Paragoni azzardati a parte mi sono
recentemente – nell’ultimo anno – appassionata alla lettura steampunk (ebbene
si) che adoro e che trovo molto stimolante e divertente - e anche perché trovo
sia evasione pura. Una lettura interessante è stata la saga di Gail Carriger denominato
“The Parasol Protectorate”, che
recentemente è stata anche tradotta (si bhè forse più meno – se comprerete il
libro capirete cosa intendo) anche in Italia, dalla Dalai Editore e che consta
di 5 volumi (numero definitivo secondo quanto annunciato dall’autrice):


Lasciando la casa di
suo marito e tornando presso la sua orribile famiglia, Lady Maccon diviene lo
scandalo della stagione londinese. La regina Vittoria la licenzia dal Consiglio
delle Ombre, e l’unica persona che potrebbe fornire spiegazioni, Lord Akeldama,
lascia inaspettatamente la città. Come se non bastasse, Alexia viene attaccata
da coccinelle meccaniche assassine, che testimoniano, come solo tali insetti
possono fare, il fatto che i vampiri di Londra ci terrebbero molto al momento a
vedere Alexia morta stecchita. Mentre Lord Maccon raggiunge livelli di ebbrezza
sempre più elevate e il professor Lyall cerca disperatamente di tenere insieme
il gruppo dei lupi mannari di Woolsey, Alexia lascia l’Inghilterra per l’Italia
alla ricerca dei misteriosi Templari. Solo loro hanno conoscenze sufficienti
sul soprannaturale per spiegarle i motive della sua situazione sempre più
sconveniente, ma potrebbero risultare peggiori dei vampiri – e sono armati di
pesto alla genovese.

Io attualmente
mi sto accingendo a leggere il quarto, per cui mi terrò sul generale, e vorrei
parlare in questa sede della serie nel suo complesso, perché sebbene da noi non
sia “esplosa” ancora a dovere nel panorama americano questa autrice, almeno nel
campo steampunk e stata come la Meyer per i vampiri, ok ok non fischiate, mi
spiego! La Meyer per quanto se ne dica non ha inventato nulla di nuovo, si bhè
certo ha introdotto degli elementi innovativi, ma i vampiri e co. erano già
attivi (ma meno intriganti) da po’ nel panorama letterario – soprattutto
americano – prima che la nostra mitica autrice nascesse! Il merito della Meyer
è quello di aver fatto un “mash up” come si direbbe nel Nuovo Mondo di
quanto esistente dandogli una lettura attuale e accattivante che ha saputo
catturare un pubblico sempre maggiore, è riuscita ad affascinare e far
pubblicare anche all’estero, finalmente, quel sottobosco di letteratura fantasy
che prima considerata di serie b.
Lo stesso ha
fatto la Carriger con lo steampunk, non ha inventato nulla, ma ha associato a
un’ambientazione e uno stile prettamente “geek” (per i profani sarebbero
gli sfigati/sfegatati di generi di nicchia, letterari e non ) a un’eroina
spumeggiante e spavalda, zitella, impicciona, a volte con tendenze logorroiche,
amante di tortine e misteri nonché dotata di poteri speciali facendo diventare
la sua storia un piccolo gioiello dell’editoria fantasy. Non mi credete?
Guardate qui:
Non vi ho ancora convinto? Forse solo perché non vi ho ancora parlato del LUI!
Infatti se proprio non riuscite a fare a meno dell’eroe alfa incarnato, ebbene
siete fortunate perché questi libri sono dotati di un personaggio maschile
davvero interessante e assolutamente spassoso! Pensate a un licantropo, non uno
qualunque ma il loro capo, che giunto a Londra, si certo anche ad occuparsi di
affari, ma in cerca di una moglie “adatta” più che altro docile e remissiva,
che invece si innamori della nostra eroina ma per la quale invece lui sia
alquanto rozzo e maldestro … insomma una promessa di divertimento!! Non vi ho
ancora convinto? Bhe allora è perché non vi ho ancora parlato delle avventure
in cui i nostri eroi sono coinvolti e grazie ai quali si avvicineranno sempre
di più … (ma non aspettatevi scene hot hot!!) sono F.E.N.O.M.E.N.A.L.I. ben
studiate, ben costruite, intriganti e davvero spassose! Fidatevi !!

No davvero non si era capito???? Ma state ancora leggendo??? Correte a
Il sito
dell’autrice/Autor website:
interattivo tratto dal libro/ A little game!:
vestirvi a tema?/ Do you want to dress up like in victorian age:
saperne di più sul genere/Do you need same more informations about steampunk?:
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